Victoria Jelinek

The Baby Diaries 18
December 17, 2013, 12:28 pm
Filed under: The Baby Diaries | Tags: , , , , ,

Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be. George Carlin

108: Baby POVI’ve often felt sorry for my son not having much perspective on things. He’s always carried, lying prone in his cot, or staring at the ceiling. He’s not been able to sit up by himself till now, and propping him up has often led to his slumping to one side or the other like an old drunk. So, when I have had to put him down, I lay him on the floor, where he can only look to his right, his left, and at the ceiling. I’ve purchased playthings that dangle over him so that he can reach up for them, but it’s a rather dull perspective even so. I lie down next to him to see what he sees and am left thinking that I should clean under my couch more…

But, now he’s sitting up on his own! And for the first time in six months, I can take a shower without feeling guilty. Before I had, maybe, four minutes to bathe before he’d cry, and five minutes if I put him in a soft seat just outside the shower and sang to him. I get it. Life can be rather dull when you’re trapped in a body that doesn’t move as and when you want it to. Now, however, I can leave him for an entire fifteen minutes or so if I put some toys and books within his reach. I’ll be able to shave my legs properly again. And I don’t have to lie down and worry about vacuuming in the corners anymore.

Once they begin sitting up by themselves, the experts on various web sites instruct us parents to begin putting things out of the child’s reach. This encourages them to crawl, they say. I can see their point, but I just don’t have the heart to make him yearn for more just yet. I think I’ll let him feel chuffed with himself for having this new point-of-view…